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The yoga teacher training program at Sri Krishna Yoga Foundation is a place to engage oneself into the spiritual life and at the same knowing and practicing yoga at various levels. The teacher training programs offered at Sri Krishna Foundation is unique which will help a person to be stronger physically and mentally. Our Teacher Training course is an intensive program designed to give you the knowledge, skills and confidence to teach classes. Your teacher training journey with us is as much about enlightening and deepening your practice and individuality as well as gaining the skills to teach others.


You gain practical knowledge and various skills from experienced faculties at Sri Krishna Yoga Foundation. Further by self practice you get to enhance your own skills. We passionately believe in the significance of that you must have your own journey of discovery and experience on the development of your unique personal voice and style as a teacher. This training is perfect for aspiring yoga teachers as well as practitioner who wants to develop their own practice and expand their knowledge. Self study- the study materially will be given to students to study at home. Teaching Practices are done on a regular basis to enhance the overall development.

  • Written test, oral test, attendance ,performance, behaviour.
  • 200 hour teacher training course. Recitation of the sacred chanting- (mantra japa ).
  • Yoga posture- Traditional hatha yoga and astanga vinyas.
  • Different kinds of breathing practice and pranayama
  • Yoga gesture (mudra)
  • Iocking energy ( bandhas)
  • Tratak, candle gazing, moon gazing (dharana)
  • Medittation (dhyana)
  • Yoganidra.
  • Purification (sat karma).
  • Physiology and anatomy ( sarir vijnan.)
  • Naturopathy
  • Ayurveda

  • Basic Foundation of Meditation
  • 200 hour teacher training course. Recitation of the sacred chanting- (mantra japa ).
  • Yoga posture- Traditional hatha yoga and astanga vinyas.
  • Different kinds of breathing practice and pranayama
  • Yoga gesture (mudra)
  • Iocking energy ( bandhas)
  • Tratak, candle gazing, moon gazing (dharana)
  • Medittation (dhyana)
  • Yoganidra.
  • Purification (sat karma).
  • Physiology and anatomy ( sarir vijnan.)
  • Naturopathy
  • Ayurveda


Hatha Yoga, which literally means “union through discipline of force”, that stresses mastery of the body as a way of attaining a state of spiritual perfection in which the mind is withdrawn from external objects. Hatha yoga combines a series of Asanas as follows..

  • What is Hatha yoga ?
  • Surya Namaskar - Dynamic and Classical
  • Exercises- Joints & Glands
  • Standing Series - Asanas
  • Sitting Series - Asanas
  • Backward Bending Series - Asanas
  • Forward Bending Series - Asanas
  • Twisting Series - Asanas
  • Fire Series - Asana
  • Inversion Series - Asana
  • Importance of sequence of Asana
  • Asana benefits and its contra-indications


The Sanskrit word "Ashtanga" or "eight limbs" is representative of the eight-fold path of yoga outlined in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Whereas, Vinyasa is the alignment of breaths with movements in asanas while practicing yoga. "Vinyasa means 'breathing system'. When vinyasa is perfect, the mind is under control. All asanas are assigned a certain number of vinyasas. The combination makes Ashtanga Vinyas.

  • Primary Series
  • What is Vinyasa ?
  • 9 Drishti in Ashtanga series
  • Importance of Ujjai and Bandha in Ashtanga Vinyasa asseries

  • Various steps of doing Asana correctly
  • Workshop on side bending and front & back bending
  • Working on mind flexibility by increasing / maintaining body flexibility
  • How to use of props for protection ?
  • Alternative style of Asana for various benefits
  • Various limitations and contra-indications of specific yoga practices

  • Clavicular breathing
  • Thoracic breathing
  • Diaphragmatic breathing
  • Yogic breathing

  • Kapalabhati (normal fire breathing exercise)
  • Bhastrika (active fire breathing)
  • Bhramari (activating the brain cells)
  • Surya bhedi (sun energy activation breathing)
  • Chandra bhedi (,moon energy activating breathing)
  • Sitali(cooling for brain and nervous system)
  • Sitkari (cooling teeth breathing)
  • Ujjai (calm for mind and cooling body)
  • Nadishodhanam (alternate nostril breathing)


Kumbhaka is the central practice of traditional Hatha pranayama. It is practiced in two types: antara and bahya. Antara (ahn-TAH-rah) is Sanskrit for interior while bahya (BAH-yah) is Sanskrit for outer. These two retention techniques are therefore practiced on the inhale and exhale respectively.


Bandha means to lock, close-off, to stop. In the practice of a Bandha, the energy flow to a particular area of the body is blocked. When the Bandha is released, this causes the energy to flood more strongly through the body with an increased pressure. The 5improved. Bandhas alleviate stress and mental restlessness and bring about inner harmony and balance.

  • Jalandhara Bandha(Throat lock)
  • Uddiyana Bandha (abdominal contraction)
  • Moola Bandha ( Perineum contraction)
  • Maha Bandha ( the great lock)

  • Jnana mudra
  • Chin mudra
  • Bhairava mudra
  • Bhairavi mudra
  • Vishnu mudra
  • Prana mudra..


Meditation is an approach to training the mind, similar to the way that fitness is an approach to training the body. But many meditation techniques exist — so how do you learn how to meditate?

  • Basic Foundation of Meditation
  • The ART of Living (VIPASSANA Meditation).
  • Meditation with Nature.
  • "SO HUM" Mantra Meditation
  • "OM" Chanting Meditation
  • Bhakti Yoga Meditation
  • Jnana Yoga Meditation
  • Kundalini Meditation
  • JAPA(Mala) Meditation
  • Meditation with Sound
  • Meditation on Light
  • Dynamic Meditation
  • Fulmoon Meditation
  • Chakras Meditation


There are endless variations of Kriyas but the Hatha Yoga Pradipika details six cleansing practices, the Shat Kriyas. The awareness used for the shat kriyas reveals how the bodies automatic cleansing responses; defecation, urination, sweating, crying, coughing, sneezing, etc., are triggered by our lifestyle and how they are related to emotional states and societal behaviors.

  • Introduction of Shat Kriyas according to classical Hatha Yoga
  • Practicum of Jal Neti and Sutra Neti (Cleansing Mucus or blockages from nasal passages and sinus)
  • Practicum of Kunjal (Cleansing the excessive mucus from the digestive track)


OM saha navavatu saha nau bhunaktu saha viryam karavavahai tejasvi navadhitam astu ma vidvishavahai OM shanti, shanti, shanti

Meaning: May we be protected together. May we be nourished together. May we create strength among one another. May our study be filled with brilliance and light. May there be no hostility between us. Om peace, peace, peace.

The vibrations of the mantra chanting repeatedly awaken the spiritual life force and stimulate the chakras. In short we can say that Mantra is the living force of God.

  • Shanti mantra for world peace
  • Guru mantra; saluting all the masters.
  • Gayatri mantra.
  • Morning prayers.
  • Bhumi mangalam (auspicious chanting)
  • Patanjali mantra.
  • Chanting from patanjali yoga sutra.


Meditation is an approach to training the mind, similar to the way that fitness is an approach to training the body. But many meditation techniques exist — so how do you learn how to meditate?

  • Basic Meditation
  • Breath awareness(Meditation)
  • Mantra Meditation
  • So Ham Meditation
  • Om Meditation.
  • Chakra Meditation
  • Kundali Meditation
  • Tratak Meditation


It is among the deepest possible states of relaxation while still maintaining full consciousness. Yoga nidra results in conscious awareness of the deep sleep state.

  • Basic relaxation
  • Tension relaxation
  • Full body relaxation
  • 31 point relaxation
  • 61 point relaxation
  • Prana yoga nidra
  • Counting yoga nidra

Yogic Anatomy & Physiology
  • What is Yogic Anatomy and physiology?
  • Introduction of respiratory system and yogic breathing
  • Introduction of Digestive System and yogic Diet
  • How Asana practices gives various effect on joints, spine and muscular system ?
  • Types of contraction in muscular system
  • The structure of spine and its movement in yoga
  • How Paranayama Practice helping to Respiratory System Cardiovascular System and autonomic nervous system
  • How to yogic clinsing practices give s benefit on Body & mind
  • How to know the basic studies and types of joints to avoid injury during Asnas Classes

Yoga Philosophy
  • Short History of Indian Philosophy
  • What is Yoga ?
  • Introduction of Patanjali Yoga Philosophy
  • Science of Breath
  • Daily Schedule of Sadhana
  • Five Pillars of Sadhana
  • Eight Limbs of yoga (Raja Yoga)
  • Five Prana
  • Five Elements
  • Intoduction of Bhagavada Gita
  • The Five Kosha

Teaching Methology

A yoga Teacher Should efficiently perform the practical applications of classes planning and preparation. At Sri Krishna Yoga Foundation our students will learn how to create a positive and peaceful class environment for an enjoyable and transformative experience

  • Disciplines of yoga teachers and students
  • The scope of listening, presence, directive and non directive dialogue
  • How important is demonstration?
  • What are the preparations for class room?
  • How to describe the practice , techniques and delivery in teaching a class?
  • What are the seven steps to become a great Yoga teachers?
  • Positive and conscious Communication
  • Friendship and trust
  • Time Management
  • Qualities of a teacher
  • Principles of demonstration, Observation, assisting, correcting
  • Use of voice in Class
  • Mental & Emotional PreParation for Teaching
  • Class Preparation
  • Step by Step Class Structure Planning

  • Basic principles of ayurveda
  • Diet and nutrition.
  • Naturopathy
  • Panchakarma introduction.

Group Discussion
  • How to Live Healthy and Happy Life
  • Quality of yoga Teacher
  • Yoga for Daily Life
  • Self Dicipline

  • How to sit for Meditation ?
  • How to Breath
  • How to Teach Asanas for Beginner Student
  • How to Relax

Assesments are based on:
  • Written Test
  • Oral Test
  • Attendence
  • Performance
  • Behavior