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About 100 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh

The 100-hour yoga teacher training course is a component of our 200 hours yoga course offered by Sri Yoga Foundation, India. This yoga training makes a base for your yogic journey, its all about getting the basics right. It gives clarity of thought and allows your mind and body to heal and at the same time to prepare oneself for the further journey.

This is a short-term yoga course which is a unique opportunity for the students who are unable to pursue for 200 hour yoga teacher training course of 4 weeks due to time constraints or other factors.

Though you can complete the 200 hours yoga teacher training in two sections by clubbing in two courses of 100-hours yoga teacher training, however, these two sections must be completed within one year of commencement and the certificate will be awarded to the student once all of the required hours, assignments and examinations are successfully completed. Please note that only completing one 100 hours training does not authenticate you to be a yoga teacher. To get oneself eligible for teaching one needs to have 200 hours or more yoga teacher training certificate.

The course program follows Yoga Alliance 200 hour yoga teacher training course standards and includes learning the asanas of the hatha, ashtanga vinyasa primary series, pranayama, cleansing ways, classical meditation practices, mantra singing, yoga nidra, etc at Sri Krishna Yoga Foundation.

Uttarakhand, a state in northern India crossed by the Himalayas, is known for its Hindu pilgrimage sites. Rishikesh, a major centre for yoga study, was made famous by the Beatles’ 1968 visit. The city hosts the evening Ganga Aarti, a spiritual gathering on the sacred Ganges River. The state's forested Jim Corbett National Park shelters Bengal tigers and other native wildlife.

Who should opt for 100 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh?

The 100 hour yoga training in rishikesh is perfect for you if you are an aspiring yoga practitioner or have held the urge to learn yoga for a long time or still a budding learner or have only limited time to schedule some time to practice. The yoga 100 Hour training course is receptive all levels of yogis including complete beginners. Regardless of the extent of your follow, the course will make you learn the fundamentals of yoga and will help you to develop a strong foundation upon which you build your teaching and practice base. This course is additionally an excellent choice for those that want to complete the 200 hour yoga teacher training course, but do not have the time or feel prepared to complete the entire 200 hour yoga course in one session. Please note that upon finishing the one hundred hour program you may receive a certificate indicating the completion of the one hundred hour yoga course. However, the 100 hours of Yoga training would not qualify you to start teaching and that will solely for the purpose of self-learning. However, if you wish you could use your 100 hours course certificate to complete your Yoga Alliance teacher training certification by adding and practicing another 100 hours to your preexisting 100 hour yoga training certificate.

Highlights about the 100 Hour Yoga TTC in India

  1. Primary Series of Ashtanga Vinyasa
  2. The practice of Meditation (dhyana)
  3. Pre-Pranayama asanas and breathing techniques
  4. Nadi Shodhana pranayama, Bhramari, Kapalbhati, Ujjayi
  5. The concept of Hatha Yoga System, different patterns of breathing while practicing to enhance the effects of the postures and self-awareness.
  6. The techniques of Pre-Pranayama techniques from Asana and, various Mudras to enhance the awareness to breathe correctly.
  7. Various Mudra: Hand Mudras, Head Mudra, Prana Mudra with Full Yogic Breath (Awareness on the physical level)
  8. The practice of Bandha: Jalandhara Bandha
  9. The practice of Shatkriyas: Jal Neti and VamanDhauti (Kunjal Kriya)

Daily schedule / Timetable

Time Class
05:00 am Morning Bell
06:00 am - 07:00 am Meditation & Mantra chanting
07:00 am - 08:00 am Hatha Yoga
08:00 am - 09:00 am Pranayama
09:00 am - 10:00 am Breakfast
10:30 am - 11:30 am Philosophy
11:40 am - 12:40 pm Anatomy & Physiology, Ayurveda
12:40 pm - 01:00 pm Diaphragmatic Breathing
01:00 pm - 02:00 pm Lunch
02:00 pm - 02:30 pm Digestive Breathing
03:00 pm - 04:00 pm Alignment, Adjustment & Methodology
04:00 pm Tea
04:30 pm - 06:00 pm Ashtanga Vinyasa
06:15 pm - 07:15 pm Meditation & Yoganidra
07:15 pm - 08:15 pm Dinner
09:30 pm Lights Off

Extra Program

1. Yogic Cleansing

2. Silence practice

3. Contemplative walking

4. Basic principal of Ayurveda

5. Diet & Nutrition

6. Day trip

Every Sunday Holiday


1. Stay as per Selected option

2. Toiletry

3. Westen Toilet / Linenes

4. Hot Water

5. 3 Vegetarian Meal in day ( Vegan and gluten Free options )

6. Diet and Nutrition

7. School Yoga T-shirt

8. Yoga Classes

9. Wifi access

10. RO water

11. Day Trip of Rishikesh

12. Ganga River and ghat Darshan

Start Date of 13 Days Programme

Dates Double Sharing Single Sharing
Sep 07 - 20,2023 500 USD
Oct 07 - 20,2023 500 USD
Nov 07 - 20,2023 500 USD
Dec 07 - 20,2023 500 USD
Jan 07 - 20,2024 500 USD
Feb 07 - 20,2024 500 USD
Mar 07 - 20,2024 500 USD
Apr 07 - 20,2024 500 USD
May 07 - 20,2024 500 USD
June 07 - 20,2024 500 USD
Sep 07 - 20,2024 500 USD
Oct 07 - 20,2024 500 USD
Nov 07 - 20,2024 500 USD
Dec 07 - 20,2024 500 USD